Health care is expensive, but the pain can be more expensive costs. Therefore, preventing is better than cure. As preventive measures, medical check-ups can be done to know the health conditions, as well as to detect the disease early on.
The more premature a condition is detected, then the faster the help that can be given. In this way, the condition does not continue to a more dangerous stage, while simultaneously preventing the aid is more complicated.
A medical check-up is required by women and men, both young children and the elderly. People who look healthy also need to do a medical check-up, especially to check the level of health as well as the possibility of serious diseases that have yet to show symptoms.
In General, the following can be a list of things that are checked through a medical check-up.
The time index of the body (body mass index/BMI) abnormal can trigger many diseases. Obesity can increase the risk of stroke, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, hypertension, and cancer
While the physical conditions that are too thin are in danger of weakening the immune system, resulting in osteoporosis, and anemia. Therefore, it is important to be checked every 2 years once BMI for people aged under 50 years of age and once a year for ages over 50 years.
Actual BMI can be calculated yourself at home. Here's how: weight (kg)/height (m) 2. A normal BMI for Asian population is up to 18.5 22.9. However if you experience weight loss drastically, overweight, or have a BMI that is abnormal, immediately consult the doctor to handle it.
Blood Sugar
This test is performed for people aged 45 years and over, at least every three years. However, if you have the risk of diabetes, consult a doctor immediately to undergo the test, and more frequently e.g. every year.
Additionally, if you experience symptoms such as weight loss dropped dramatically without a clear reason, often feel thirsty and hungry, tingling in the hands or feet, as well as frequent urination, immediately do this test to ensure the possibility of diabetes. Before doing the test, you are advised to fast for 8 hours. Fasting blood sugar test would indicate one of the following results:
Normal: 70-100 mg/dL
Pre-diabetes: 100-125 mg/dL
Diabetes: ≥ 126 mg/dL
Blood Pressure
Normal blood pressure for age under 60 years old is an upper (systolic) of less than 140 mm Hg, and the bottom number (diastolic) is less than 90, or read 140/90. While at the age of over 60 years, the standard normally is less than 150/90 mm Hg. Blood pressure above the average number means hypertension (high blood pressure).
For an average person, the test can be done every 1-2 years. While the people who suffered from hypertension or hypotension will need to do a test every year or more often.
Cholesterol is basically a type of fat that your body needs, but excessive amounts can clog blood vessels and triggering heart disease and stroke.
Healthy cholesterol is as follows:
Good cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein/HDL) should preferably be above 60 mg/dL.
Bad cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein-LDL/) should preferably be under 100 mg/dL.
Preferably triglycerides less than 150 mg/dL.
Total cholesterol should be under 200 mg/dL.
For people with normal health conditions, tests can be carried out every 5 years, starting at the age of 35 years. However if you are obese, have diabetes or hypertension, have a history of heart disease or stroke in their family, smoking, these tests can be started from the age of 20 years and need more often. As blood sugar tests, cholesterol tests require the taking of blood samples.
Heart Health
The heart is one of the vital organs in the human body. Examination of the heart can be done with an electrocardiogram (ECG) test or known by the record of the heart. Tests are done to find out the electrical activity of the heart. This test can detect the presence of an abnormal heartbeat or other disorders such as blood vessels are clogged. The test is done if you experience symptoms of heart disease, such as pain in the chest or heart pounding.
Check with your eye every 1-2 years especially if you experience vision problems. In addition to the sight impaired, tests on children aim to look at the possibility of eye squint or lazy. Whereas in adults, can know the condition:
Retinopathy, damage to the blood vessels behind the eye e.g. due to diabetes.
Glaucoma, the optic nerve damage as well as the increasing pressure of the eye.
Cataracts, eyes Misty.
Related tests may include:
Examination of the retina of the eye: reserved liquid for the enlarged cornea, then light is illuminated so that the doctor can see the structure in the eye.
The muscle of the eye examination: the doctor will see movements of your eyes.
Visual acuity: an analysis using posters bearing the letters.
Examination with a slit lamp to inspect the eyelids, eyelashes, cornea, iris, lens, and fluid space between cornea and iris.
Perimetry tests to check the ability of the eyes look to the side without moving his eyeball.
Intraocular pressure tests (tonometry) to check the pressure in the eye.
To detect skin cancer, can be carried out the examination and if necessary, a sampling of skin or a skin biopsy. Skin cancer is the growth of cells in the bark uncontrollably.
Tests can be done immediately When it was discovered the abnormal changes in the skin like there is a lump; moles that change color, size, or bloody; or the presence of abnormal tissue in the skin is red, white, blue, or blackish with an irregular border.
Do hearing tests (audiometry) If you experience any hearing loss. Audiometry is used to evaluate the possibility of deafness, determine the type and degree of hearing loss.
Examination in infants and children is required to detect hearing problems that may interfere with your ability to learn, speak, and understand the language. The examination is done by looking at your response to the voice.
No one is free from Plaque and Tartar. Therefore, the routine dental examination is required every 6 months early to detect conditions such as an abscess or swelling due to infection, damage to fester between the teeth, the jaw bone loss, dental impaction due to abnormally grow younger teeth, cysts or tumors.
If found Tartar, the doctor will clean it up or scale. Also, if found signs of trouble on the teeth, required further examination with x-rays to determine preventive action is needed.
Bone density test aims to find out the strength of bones and help diagnose osteoporosis (porous bones). The examination is carried out by x-ray or CT scan. Tests need to be done by women aged 65 years and over, Men aged 70 years and over, or anyone is at risk of osteoporosis. Risk factors include the use of steroid drugs in the long term, smoking, consuming alcohol, weight is too low, or there is a history of osteoporosis in the family.
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In addition to the above, some examination of other tests may be needed as the review of sexually transmitted diseases (STDS) and hepatitis B for people who are sexually active and have more than one sex partner, as well as an examination of lung disease for heavy smokers. The following are some diseases including STDS as well as the necessary examination.
Gonorrhea requires a urine test. In some cases the required sampling fluid from the urethra tract in men and women, as well as cervical throat.
Genital herpes symptoms, the doctor, will examine and take samples of your wounds.
HIV antibody examination, require (immunoassay).
Syphilis, require blood tests and examination of fluid from the wound to syphilis.
Hepatitis B, hepatitis B for the same test with HIV testing, namely blood sampling to find out whereabouts and liveliness of this disease.
How much a person smokes can be measured by the number of smoking pack-year. Smoking pack-year number of an individual is measured by multiplying the number of packs of cigarettes consumed per day by the number of years he smoked.
So for example, someone who spends two packs of cigarettes daily over the past 4 years, he is called has 8 smoking pack-year. Here are a few risks heavy smoker and an examination is needed.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), require a lung function test that measures the amount of air in the lungs, the speed of air entry and exit, as well as using the x-ray on the chest.
Lung cancer, require a CT scan. People age 55-80 years with 30 smoking pack-year or more and still active smoking or recently stopped in the last 15 years, as well as anyone that has the risk of lung cancer after consultation with the doctor, we recommend that you perform this inspection.
In addition to medical check-ups mentioned above, make sure you also know the particular examination-examination will be to detect some cancers, which can appear discreetly, without causing any symptoms.
A medical check-up is a step to anticipate which are useful in identifying the risk of the presence of the disease in the body. Do it regularly to prevent the development of more severe disease rates in the future.
A medical check-up is required by women and men, both young children and the elderly. People who look healthy also need to do a medical check-up, especially to check the level of health as well as the possibility of serious diseases that have yet to show symptoms.
In General, the following can be a list of things that are checked through a medical check-up.
The time index of the body (body mass index/BMI) abnormal can trigger many diseases. Obesity can increase the risk of stroke, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, hypertension, and cancer
While the physical conditions that are too thin are in danger of weakening the immune system, resulting in osteoporosis, and anemia. Therefore, it is important to be checked every 2 years once BMI for people aged under 50 years of age and once a year for ages over 50 years.
Actual BMI can be calculated yourself at home. Here's how: weight (kg)/height (m) 2. A normal BMI for Asian population is up to 18.5 22.9. However if you experience weight loss drastically, overweight, or have a BMI that is abnormal, immediately consult the doctor to handle it.
Blood Sugar
This test is performed for people aged 45 years and over, at least every three years. However, if you have the risk of diabetes, consult a doctor immediately to undergo the test, and more frequently e.g. every year.
Additionally, if you experience symptoms such as weight loss dropped dramatically without a clear reason, often feel thirsty and hungry, tingling in the hands or feet, as well as frequent urination, immediately do this test to ensure the possibility of diabetes. Before doing the test, you are advised to fast for 8 hours. Fasting blood sugar test would indicate one of the following results:
Normal: 70-100 mg/dL
Pre-diabetes: 100-125 mg/dL
Diabetes: ≥ 126 mg/dL
Blood Pressure
Normal blood pressure for age under 60 years old is an upper (systolic) of less than 140 mm Hg, and the bottom number (diastolic) is less than 90, or read 140/90. While at the age of over 60 years, the standard normally is less than 150/90 mm Hg. Blood pressure above the average number means hypertension (high blood pressure).
For an average person, the test can be done every 1-2 years. While the people who suffered from hypertension or hypotension will need to do a test every year or more often.
Cholesterol is basically a type of fat that your body needs, but excessive amounts can clog blood vessels and triggering heart disease and stroke.
Healthy cholesterol is as follows:
Good cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein/HDL) should preferably be above 60 mg/dL.
Bad cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein-LDL/) should preferably be under 100 mg/dL.
Preferably triglycerides less than 150 mg/dL.
Total cholesterol should be under 200 mg/dL.
For people with normal health conditions, tests can be carried out every 5 years, starting at the age of 35 years. However if you are obese, have diabetes or hypertension, have a history of heart disease or stroke in their family, smoking, these tests can be started from the age of 20 years and need more often. As blood sugar tests, cholesterol tests require the taking of blood samples.
Heart Health
The heart is one of the vital organs in the human body. Examination of the heart can be done with an electrocardiogram (ECG) test or known by the record of the heart. Tests are done to find out the electrical activity of the heart. This test can detect the presence of an abnormal heartbeat or other disorders such as blood vessels are clogged. The test is done if you experience symptoms of heart disease, such as pain in the chest or heart pounding.
Check with your eye every 1-2 years especially if you experience vision problems. In addition to the sight impaired, tests on children aim to look at the possibility of eye squint or lazy. Whereas in adults, can know the condition:
Retinopathy, damage to the blood vessels behind the eye e.g. due to diabetes.
Glaucoma, the optic nerve damage as well as the increasing pressure of the eye.
Cataracts, eyes Misty.
Related tests may include:
Examination of the retina of the eye: reserved liquid for the enlarged cornea, then light is illuminated so that the doctor can see the structure in the eye.
The muscle of the eye examination: the doctor will see movements of your eyes.
Visual acuity: an analysis using posters bearing the letters.
Examination with a slit lamp to inspect the eyelids, eyelashes, cornea, iris, lens, and fluid space between cornea and iris.
Perimetry tests to check the ability of the eyes look to the side without moving his eyeball.
Intraocular pressure tests (tonometry) to check the pressure in the eye.
To detect skin cancer, can be carried out the examination and if necessary, a sampling of skin or a skin biopsy. Skin cancer is the growth of cells in the bark uncontrollably.
Tests can be done immediately When it was discovered the abnormal changes in the skin like there is a lump; moles that change color, size, or bloody; or the presence of abnormal tissue in the skin is red, white, blue, or blackish with an irregular border.
Do hearing tests (audiometry) If you experience any hearing loss. Audiometry is used to evaluate the possibility of deafness, determine the type and degree of hearing loss.
Examination in infants and children is required to detect hearing problems that may interfere with your ability to learn, speak, and understand the language. The examination is done by looking at your response to the voice.
No one is free from Plaque and Tartar. Therefore, the routine dental examination is required every 6 months early to detect conditions such as an abscess or swelling due to infection, damage to fester between the teeth, the jaw bone loss, dental impaction due to abnormally grow younger teeth, cysts or tumors.
If found Tartar, the doctor will clean it up or scale. Also, if found signs of trouble on the teeth, required further examination with x-rays to determine preventive action is needed.
Bone density test aims to find out the strength of bones and help diagnose osteoporosis (porous bones). The examination is carried out by x-ray or CT scan. Tests need to be done by women aged 65 years and over, Men aged 70 years and over, or anyone is at risk of osteoporosis. Risk factors include the use of steroid drugs in the long term, smoking, consuming alcohol, weight is too low, or there is a history of osteoporosis in the family.
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In addition to the above, some examination of other tests may be needed as the review of sexually transmitted diseases (STDS) and hepatitis B for people who are sexually active and have more than one sex partner, as well as an examination of lung disease for heavy smokers. The following are some diseases including STDS as well as the necessary examination.
Gonorrhea requires a urine test. In some cases the required sampling fluid from the urethra tract in men and women, as well as cervical throat.
Genital herpes symptoms, the doctor, will examine and take samples of your wounds.
HIV antibody examination, require (immunoassay).
Syphilis, require blood tests and examination of fluid from the wound to syphilis.
Hepatitis B, hepatitis B for the same test with HIV testing, namely blood sampling to find out whereabouts and liveliness of this disease.
How much a person smokes can be measured by the number of smoking pack-year. Smoking pack-year number of an individual is measured by multiplying the number of packs of cigarettes consumed per day by the number of years he smoked.
So for example, someone who spends two packs of cigarettes daily over the past 4 years, he is called has 8 smoking pack-year. Here are a few risks heavy smoker and an examination is needed.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), require a lung function test that measures the amount of air in the lungs, the speed of air entry and exit, as well as using the x-ray on the chest.
Lung cancer, require a CT scan. People age 55-80 years with 30 smoking pack-year or more and still active smoking or recently stopped in the last 15 years, as well as anyone that has the risk of lung cancer after consultation with the doctor, we recommend that you perform this inspection.
In addition to medical check-ups mentioned above, make sure you also know the particular examination-examination will be to detect some cancers, which can appear discreetly, without causing any symptoms.
A medical check-up is a step to anticipate which are useful in identifying the risk of the presence of the disease in the body. Do it regularly to prevent the development of more severe disease rates in the future.
Why Doing Medical Check-Up?
Reviewed by Prajnavati
8:40 PM
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