Identify The Source Of Flavonoids, The Guard Body Health

Our body requires an intake of flavonoids to fight free radicals. Because the body cannot produce them on its own, then it is important for you to know what foods can provide flavonoids. Let's get acquainted with the functions of flavonoids and any food that has a rich content of this benefit.

Flavonoid compounds that are usually present in the plant, both on the fruit or vegetables. Flavonoid compounds have positive effects on the human body as an antioxidant, bitter taste, anti-virus, anti-allergy, and even has anti-cancer properties. That's why the flavonoids are essential for the health of your body. This material is not inferior to other vitamins.

Identify The Source

As already explained above, the flavonoids present in some types of plants that could be the source of Your intake of flavonoids. Below are some of the types of food you can consume to preserve the health of the body, with the ability of flavonoids against free radicals.

Green tea

All kinds of tea contain antioxidants flavonoid because natural compounds, the polyphenols. It's just that, when compared with black tea, green tea is twice as much of the content of flavonoids or antioxidants. The process of treating any slightly different, because green tea is not fermented. They steamed with previously left obsolete.

According to a study published one of the National Cancer Institute, green tea polyphenols compounds thought to reduce tumor growth, with experiments in laboratory animals. These compounds also protect cells from damage from UVB rays by radiation exposure.

Green tea associated with a decline in deaths from diseases of the heart and blood vessels, as well as a decrease in the risk of stroke. Because green tea is alleged to have lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, according to a journal.

Also, other research suspect green tea can prevent or treat obesity and type 2 diabetes when drunk regularly every day. Some other benefits of green tea is a treat inflammation on the skin (because the green tea has the effect of a bitter taste, antioxidant, and anti-cancer), and can improve the cognitive function of the brain that affects the improvement of dementia or senility.


Such as green tea, cocoa also contains flavonoids that are needed by the body. Although cocoa is an ingredient in chocolate production, not surprising amount reduced to reduce the bitter taste.

Flavonoid-rich cocoa allegedly can help you in raising good cholesterol in the body and decrease the amount of bad cholesterol, especially those aged under 50 years. In fact, cocoa and the content of flavonoids in it also believed good for the health of blood vessels and lower blood pressure in the body.


Unlike the cocoa contain flavonoids, yet but it seems bitter, strawberry has a fresh taste, and it will be fun to eaten. Flavonoids contained in strawberries are anthocyanins. This content can help the body in lowering the risk of heart attacks. While the flavonoid quercetin found in strawberries has a bitter taste. This content can assist the body to reduce the risk of increased bad cholesterol, as well as atherosclerosis.

In addition to several types of source of flavonoids on top, other sources of flavonoids include parsley, blueberries, oranges, black tea, beans with red skin, as well as wine or wine.

Flavonoids act as antioxidants that may help the body in fighting free radicals that can make you sick at a later date. Start the diligent in taking some food in a tube top and its benefits. Although still require further research, it certainly doesn't hurt to add the above ingredients in your daily menu. If you experience an allergic reaction resulting from consuming food or drink on the top, immediately contact a doctor.
Identify The Source Of Flavonoids, The Guard Body Health Identify The Source Of Flavonoids, The Guard Body Health Reviewed by Prajnavati on 11:21 AM Rating: 5

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