3 Things You Can Do Today To Be A Healthier You!

3 Things You Can Do Today To Be A Healthier You!
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Karen_E_Sullivan]Karen E Sullivan 

Whether you're a vegan, vegetarian or following Beyonce's latest diet trend, here are three things you can do today to be a healthier you!

1 - Pick an 8 Hour Window to Eat Your Meals In 

Or as the caveman would do, eat when the suns up and stop eating after its gone down. Giving your body time at night (fasting) to digest the food you've eaten throughout the day and to burn off all the stored fat you've accumulated over the years can be very beneficial. Plus nobody wants to fall asleep with a full stomach. The same goes for the morning too. If you know you're getting dinner with friends at 6pm, try to hold off as long has you can before you break your fast (breakfast... get it?). Having breakfast at 10:30 am will enable you to stick to that 8 hour window (assuming you're done eating at 6:30pm).

2- Order Your Coffee Half Decaf

We all know the coffee habit isn't good for us and yet it's so hard to break (I'm with ya on this one). Ordering/brewing half decaf coffee will not only help you eventually kick the habit, but it will also make you less irritable and allow you to sleep better at night. There are also tons of fake coffee options that makes the transition easier too!

3 - Have Fruit for Breakfast

Okay so I know it sounds like I'm shamelessly plugging Fruitspire (because I am), but adding fruit to your diet is perfect for everyone. But why is having it for breakfast so important? Fruit is designed to move right through you, so having it on an empty stomach leaves a clear pathway for that to happen. This will not only help you if you're someone who has "bathroom troubles" but it will also prevent bloating, constipation, and gas. Think about it, if you have food sitting in your intestinal track and then you eat fruit which is designed to pass right through ya like a freight train, imagine the traffic jam? Then it will start to ferment inside you the same way an apple browns when it sits on your plate after you've bitten into it... no good and one of the reasons why fruit gets such a bad rap.

There you have it. Three simple things you can do today to be a healthier you! Which one are you trying? Share below!

1 - Pick an 8 Hour Window to Eat Your Meals In 

2- Order Your Coffee Half Decaf

3 - Have Fruit for Breakfast

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?3-Things-You-Can-Do-Today-To-Be-A-Healthier-You!&id=8266246] 3 Things You Can Do Today To Be A Healthier You!
3 Things You Can Do Today To Be A Healthier You! 3 Things You Can Do Today To Be A Healthier You! Reviewed by Prajnavati on 6:26 PM Rating: 5

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